NSF-BSF Research Grants
28%Success Rate in 2023/24
$95,000/YearMax. of Grant
2-5Years of Grants
NSF-BSF Research Grants: Statistics
- About
- The Programs
- Submission
- Evaluation
Since its inception in 2013, the NSF-BSF partnership has rapidly expanded and it currently comprises of the core programs in nearly all NSF Divisions and in a number of interdisciplinary programs that cut across NSF Directorates.
Below is a table summarizing the statistics of the various NSF-BSF programs with respect to the number of proposal submissions (preproposals were excluded) and their success rates. Over the years, the success rate of joint US-Israel applications was often higher than that of proposals by individual US investigators.
Submissions and Success Rates History in the NSF-BSF Programs
13-Dec2013-20142014-20152015-20162016-20172017-20182018-20192019-20202020-20212021-20222022-20232023-2024Biology MCB37 (11%)28 (25%)28 (14%)10 (30%)21 (38%)19 (37%)21(29%)23 (30%)17 (35%)Biology IOS101 (7%)12 (33%)4 (50%)+5 (20%)20 (45%)22 (32%)19 (26%)17 (18%)10 (40%)Biology IOS-EDGE2 (0%)8 (0)4 (50%)3 (33%)2 (0)1 (0)4 (25%)Biology DEB3 (33%)*9 (33%)*+1 (100%)7 (57%)4 (25%)5 (0)4 (0)1 (0)Biology DBI1 (100%)Biology ROL5 (40%)2 (50%)Comp. Neuroscience12 (8%)14 (14%)12 (25%)15 (33%)6 (0)8 (13%)12 (25%)11 (18%)9 (33%)7 (29%)9 (44%)Biology EEID3 (33%)1 (100%)1 (0)1 (0%)4 (0)2 (0)4 (25%)2 (50%)Brain Science49 (6%)**(1)**Computers CCF17 (29%)21 (33%)20 (45%)21 (24%)20 (10%)14 (57%)5 (60%)6 (83%)12 (17%)Computers CNS2 (100%)1 (0)2 (50%)2 (50%)2 (50%)01 (0)1 (100%)Information & Intelligent Systems18 (33%)17 (12%)18 (33%)4 (100%)3 (33%)7 (14%)8 (13%)Cyber12 (33%)12 (25%)10 (33%)10 (20%)2 (100%)1 (0%)5 (20%)3 (66%)4 (25%)7 (14%)Physics24 (29%)16 (31%)10 (20%)17 (41%)19 (26%)14 (28%)18 (56%)15 (47%)12 (50%)13 (38%)Materials48 (25%)38 (26%)23 (17%)35 (26%)27 (26%)25 (32%)9 (22%)14 (36%)12 (42%)Chemistry13 (15%)***18 (16%)***12 (42%)Math16 (31%)5 (80%)6 (33%)12 (17%)22 (18%)Astronomy8 (25%)10 (30%)10 (10%)8 (25%)16 (38%)Electrical Engineering12 (33%)4 (25%)6 (66%)4 (50%)6 (17%)2 (0)5 (60%)3 (100%)1 (0)Chemical Engineering5 (40%)12 (41%)15 (26%)20 (30%)18 (28%)13 (38%)16 (31%)Mechanical Engineering
3 (33%)6 (17%)6 (33%)8 (0)Sustainable Energy10 (10%)8 (25%)Earth Sciences12 (25%)5 (20%)5 (40%)7 (43%)4 (25%)4 (50%)3 (0)2 (0)3 (66%)Oceanography17 (5%)20 (25)6 (17%)1 (0)5 (20%)7 (0%)6 (0)5 (0)2 (50%)2 (0)Atmospheric Sciecnes2 (0)3 (66%)2 (50)2 (0)Economics and Decision Sciences9 (22%)5 (20%)2 (0)3 (33%)Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences4 (50%)24 (21%)6 (33%)****1 (100%) ****25 (8%)12 (17%)11 (27%)20 (5%)Sociology3 (33%)Foundational Research in Robotics1 (0)1 (0)1 (100%)Mathematical and Scientific Foundations of Deep Learning1 (0)Integrative Strategies for Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems3 (0)1 (100%)1(0)Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science (SCH)3 (33%)Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering (CDS&E)1 (0)Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation program (EFRI)2 (50%)Total 114 (8%) 79 (10%) 74 (23%) 246 (24%) 157 (27%) 150 (28%) 153 (28%) 206 (29%) 225 (33%) 166 (28%) 164 (30%) 209 (28%)
** An EAGER Program that is not an annual program.
*** The International Program in Chemistry was terminated by the NSF.
**** Resubmissions only. The program is on hold.Number of Submissions and Success Rates History by NSF Directorate
2020-20212021-20222022-20232023-2024Biological Sciences43 (12%)29 (28%)66 (39%)65 (29%)49 (22%)50 (24%)34 (32%)Mathematical and Physical Sciences41 (27%)54 (26%)65 (28%)59 (42%)40 (30%)46 (33%)75 (35%)Engineering11 (54%)16 (44%)20 (24%)28 (25%)29 (31%)23 (43%)25 (22%)Computer and Information Science and Engineering49 (35%)42 (24%)41(22%)26 (54%)21 (42%)26 (35%)44 (20%)Geosciences7 (29%)12 (33%)13 (8%)13 (31%)10 (10%)6 (17%)5 (44%)Social and Behavioral34 (12%)17 (18%)13 (23%)26 (8%)Total 150 (28%) 153 (28%) 206 (29%) 225 (33% 166 (28%) 164 (30%) 209 (28%)