…that joint NSF/BSF-funded research helped identify a potential new target in the fight against cancer? An international team of researchers, including NSF/BSF grantees from the U.S. and Israel, have discovered that a better understanding of a cancer-linked version of the protein mitoNEET can lead to new weapons for battling multiple cancers. Prof. Rachel Nechushtai from Hebrew University in Jerusalem (a recipient of three earlier regular BSF grants) and Prof. Ron Mittler from the University of Missouri collaborated on a joint NSF-BSF grant in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences that examined ROS, redox and cell metabolism. Many on the research team have worked together for more than a decade and attributed much of their success to “longstanding ties between the collaborators and joint funding from the both the U.S. and Israel.” Read more here.
…that several current and former BSF grantees are among the latest recipients of the prestigious EMET Prize? The EMET Prize is considered Israel’s equivalent to The Nobel Prize. Prof. Tsvi Piran of Hebrew University and Prof. Mordechai Segev of Technion — Israel Institute of Technology were awarded the EMET Prize in Exact Sciences. In Life Sciences, Prof. Michal Schwartz of the Weizmann Institute of Science and Prof. Yinon Ben-Neriah of Hebrew University were among the winners. EMET Prize selections are made by professional committees in five categories: Culture and Art, Exact Sciences, Life Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities. Winners receive or share the $200,000 awarded in each category, their portion of the $1 million in annual EMET prize money. Congratulations to them and to all the recipients. Read more about them here.
…that U.S. scientists can initiate BSF grant applications? While most of our grant applications are initiated by Israelis, U.S. scientists are also welcome to start applications, as long as they have an Israeli partner for their project. For information on our grants and submission guidelines, click here.