Signalling in bacterial chemosensory receptor arrays
Prof. Vaknin Ady The Hebrew University IsraelProf. Parkinson John Sandy University of Utah USA
Area of Research: Life Science - Microbiology | BacteriologyKeywords: Bacterial chemotaxis; sensory receptors; Receptor clustering; Sensory transductionLay Abstract -
Massively parallel functional characterization of gene regulatory elements shaping archaic human evolution
Dr. Gokhman David Weizmann Institute of Science IsraelProf. Ahituv Nadav The Regents of the University of California USA
Area of Research: Life Science - Genetics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology | Comparative Genomics & ProteomicsKeywords: Evolution, functional genomics, gene expression, Neanderthals, DenisovansLay Abstract -
Predicting Structural Assembly Patterns in Adhesion Proteins
Dr. Rubinstein Rotem Tel Aviv University IsraelDr. Wu Yinghao Albert Einstein College of Medicine USA
Area of Research: Life Sciences | Life Science - BiochemistryKeywords: adhesion proteins, protein-protein interactions, membrane proteinsLay Abstract -
Mechanism of non-canonical inflammasome activation in macrophages by the endogenous lipid sulfatide
Prof. Zor Tsaffrir Tel Aviv University IsraelDr. Fraser Iain NIH USA
Area of Research: Life Science - Cell and Developmental Biology | Signal TransductionKeywords: Caspase-11; Sulfatide; Inflammasome; LPS; Caspase-4; Inflammation; Non-canonical inflammasome; Caspase-11/4, Sphingolipids; MacrophagesLay Abstract -
Unraveling the biosynthetic and regulatory landscape of hydrolyzable tannins and flavonoids at the nexus of the shikimate pathway
Dr. Tian Li The Regents of the University of California USAProf. Amir Rachel Migal Galilee Research Institute & Tel-Hai College Israel
Area of Research: Life Science - Plant Sciences | Biochemistry & MetabolismKeywords: hydrolyzable tannin, flavonoid, anthocyanin, shikimate, biosynthesis, regulation, transcription factor, pomegranateLay Abstract -
Functional diversification of paralogous genes of the trehalose metabolism pathway in Daphnia response to diverse environmental stresses
Prof. Ben-Ami Frida Tel Aviv University IsraelProf. Yampolsky Lev East Tennessee State University USA
Area of Research: Life Science - Ecology | Functional ecologyKeywords: desiccation tolerance, embryonic diapause development, heat tolerance, resting eggs, salinity tolerance, trehaloseLay Abstract -
Targeting Nucleolin for Neural Repair in Stroke
Prof. Fainzilber Michael Weizmann Institute of Science IsraelDr. Rishal Ida Weizmann Institute of Science Israel
Prof. Carmichael S Thomas University of California, Los Angeles USA
Area of Research: Life Science - Neurobiology | Brain organs & PathwaysKeywords: Nucleolin, Stroke, Axonal Transport, RNA Localization, Local Translation, Axon Growth, SproutingLay Abstract -
Oxytocin and Human-Dog Affiliative Interactions
Prof. Israel Salomon The Hebrew University IsraelProf. Kahila Bar-Gal Gila The Hebrew University Israel
Prof. MacLean Evan University of Arizona USA
Prof. Zamansky Anna The University of Haifa Israel
Area of Research: Life Science - Animal Sciences | Behavior, Adaptation and EvolutionKeywords: oxytocin, genomics, human-dog interaction, canine, social behavior, early environmentLay Abstract -
Cerebellar regulation of coordinated cortical activity in the motor system of the face
Prof. Prut Yifat The Hebrew University IsraelProf. Freiwald Winrich Rockefeller University USA
Area of Research: Life Science - Neurobiology | Circuits, Neuronal PopulationsKeywords: Facial expressions, cerebellum, motor cortex, motor controlLay Abstract -
Identifying the mechanisms underlying persistence potential and drug-induced cellular memory in lung cancer
Dr. Oren Yaara Tel Aviv University IsraelDr. Getz Gad The Broad Institute, Inc. USA
Area of Research: Medicine - Cancer | OncologyKeywords: Persisters, systems biology, cancerLay Abstract -
Delineating the effects of locomotion and postural control challenges on cognitive-motor-autonomic interactions: a virtual reality study
Prof. Plotnik Meir Medical Research Fund - Sheba Medical Center IsraelProf. Wright W. Geoffrey Temple University USA
Area of Research: Life Science - Neurobiology | NeurophysiologyKeywords: Postural control, Locomotion, Cognition, Cognitive-motor interactions, Manual control, Affect, Autonomic Nervous System, Virtual reality, Dual-taskLay Abstract -
Prospective longitudinal study of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: integration of exposome and psychosis trajectories
Prof. Gothelf Doron Medical Research Fund - Sheba Medical Center IsraelDr. Taler Michal Medical Research Fund - Sheba Medical Center Israel
Prof. Gur Raquel University of Pennsylvania USA
Prof. Sullivan Kathleen Children`s Hospital of Philadelphia USA
Prof. McDonald-McGinn Donna Children`s Hospital of Philadelphia USA
Area of Research: Psychobiology | Brain and BehaviorKeywords: 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, Psychosis, Exposome, Cognition, Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, Metabolomics, Medical BurdenLay Abstract -
Identifying regulatory genes that mediate immunosuppressive signals in macrophages using spatial Perturb-seq
Dr. Parnas Oren The Hebrew University IsraelDr. Hwang William Massachusetts General Hospital USA
Area of Research: Life Science - Immunology | Tumor ImmunologyKeywords: Pancreatic cancer, spatial transcriptomic,CRISPR screens, macrophages, HMPCITE-seq, Perturb-seqLay Abstract -
Deciphering GPX8-Mediated Lipid Remodeling: Implications for EMT and Ferroptosis Sensitivity
Dr. Shaul Yoav The Hebrew University IsraelDr. Kim Dohoon University of Massachusetts; Medicine USA
Area of Research: Life Science - Biochemistry | MetabolismKeywords: Ferroptosis, GPX8, EMT, lipid remodelingLay Abstract -
Data-driven spatiotemporal characterization of cell death
Dr. Zaritsky Assaf Ben Gurion University IsraelProf. Overholtzer Michael Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Res USA
Area of Research: Life Science - Cell and Developmental Biology | Cell DeathKeywords: cell death, ferroptosis, quantitative live cell imaging, machine learning, collective cell behaviorLay Abstract