The support of the United States – Israel Binational Science Foundation has not only been a valuable factor in the important scientific developments achieved at the present time, but will also prepare the next generation of U.S. and Israeli scientists for a leadership role in our global tomorrow.

Shimon Peres
The support of the BSF for over 23 years was essential for the discoveries that brought me the Nobel Prize. Thus, the BSF had a very important role in this achievement…..While I can survive without a BSF grant, this is not so with young Israeli scientists. This is very important for the future of Israeli science.

Avram Hershko
Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, 2004
“I have known many Israeli and American scientists that have benefited enormously from these binational collaborations. In this way science in both countries has been greatly aided, but also the relationship between our two countries has been greatly strengthened.

David Gross
Nobel Laureate in Physics, 2004
I happened to meet a delegate representing the French government, who asked for my advice concerning the question of how to strengthen the contact between Israeli and French scientists. My clear answer was ‘form a BSF.’

Alex Lubotzky
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The deep friendship and strategic partnership between Israel and the United States is built on the pillars of shared values, one of which is the perpetual search for knowledge and the advancement of science and technology for the good of mankind. For more than three decades, the BSF has embodied that vision…As former ambassadors who have been deeply involved in U.S.-Israel relations for many years, we strongly affirm the critical importance of the Israeli-American scientific enterprise, which the BSF is doing so much to promote with extraordinary effectiveness.

Itamar Rabinovich
Tel Aviv University; Former Israeli Ambassador the U.S.
The deep friendship and strategic partnership between Israel and the United States is built on the pillars of shared values, one of which is the perpetual search for knowledge and the advancement of science and technology for the good of mankind. For more than three decades, the BSF has embodied that vision…As former ambassadors who have been deeply involved in U.S.-Israel relations for many years, we strongly affirm the critical importance of the Israeli-American scientific enterprise, which the BSF is doing so much to promote with extraordinary effectiveness.

Martin Indyk
Brookings Institution; Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel
….The BSF not only allows collaborations between American and Israeli scientists, but also provides, on a competitive basis, much needed funding for basic research in Israel…the role of BSF in promoting collaborative cutting edge scientific research remains as important and central as ever…By any standard, BSF’s contribution to the promotion of excellence in scientific research, both in Israel and the U.S. is undeniably very great. Every effort should be made to broaden it further by increasing the funds available to the BSF for grants. This money is very well spent and the payoff in cutting-edge science is exceptional.

Peter S. Pershan
Harvard University
My research was supported by the BSF for almost 30 years…This enabled my research group to collaborate with two of the most outstanding scientists in the field of chemistry…..An additional important aspect of the BSF is the social-cultural one….builds bridges between Israeli and American researchers…with several [U.S. partners] I have continued to collaborate long after BSF grants have expired…I have also used BSF travel grants to send to the USA other researchers in my group, allowing them to interact directly with American colleagues, including graduate students. I believe this is a very important part of the BSF program…

Yitzhak Apeloig
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
I believe that the BSF commits American scientists to the Israeli scientific enterprise. When I travel to Israel for our BSF work, for example, I extend the trip to visit colleagues in other research institutions in Israel, often giving talks but always interacting with them, their students and post-docs.

Marc Mangel
University of California at Santa Cruz
The BSF has been extremely effective in fostering significant scientific discovery. I am aware of several notable achievements made as a result of grant support from BSF…This program promotes scientific excellence at the highest levels and I hope it continues to enjoy a high level of support from both Israel and the United States.

Gene E. Robinson
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
….As a reviewer/referee/science-advisor I am able to compare the functioning of the BSF granting process with similar processes in other agencies. BSF has been singularly successful in conducting this process in a fair, transparent and efficient manner.

David S. Bergman
Tel Aviv University
…The BSF has had, over the years, a crucial role in fostering research and scientific collaboration between leading scientists in the U.S. and Israel.

Noga Alon
Tel Aviv University
The BSF has had a major influence in my career, when I started a collaboration with Jacob Klein (Weizmann)…My often twice per year visits to the Weizmann Institute increased contacts with other groups there and at other Israeli universities…There is no doubt that the BSF has had a defining influence on my global research program.

Philip A. Pincus
University of California at Santa Barbara