NSF-BSF Research Grants: About

  • About


    In 2012, the BSF signed an umbrella Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), for cooperation in joint funding of collaborative U.S.-Israeli scientific research. Consequently, the BSF signed a series of specific Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Letter of Intent (LOI) with a number of NSF units, for the joint funding of collaborative research programs. Presently, BSF has joint programs with all of the NSF grant making directorates and in each, with all or most divisions.

    Financial support for the U.S. scientists in the joint NSF-BSF funding programs comes from the internal resources of the NSF, as part of its regular activity. The NSF does not set aside any money for these collaborations, and they are part of the core programs of the relevant divisions. Financial support for the Israeli scientists in these programs is from annual allocations from the Israeli Committee for Planning and Budgeting (CPB). CPB funds are specifically to support the Israeli researchers in the NSF-BSF programs, and they do not affect the traditional BSF programs. The latter are funded from an endowment that the two governments formed many years ago, and serves to fund both U.S. and Israeli scientists. Therefore, the BSF Research Grants program and the NSF-BSF programs cannot be unified, as is sometimes suggested.

    • To view the webinar presented in September 2020 by Dr. Keith Dienes from the National Science Foundation: Tips for Writing a Successful NSF/BSF Proposal, click here
  • The Programs
  • Submission
  • Evaluation
  • Statistics